Travel insurance

When you are making your vacation plans do not forget one vital aspect! Travel insurance is today the need of the hour. Whether you travel internationally or within the country, out of home signifies a FOREIGN GROUND. So, keep yourself, your family, and your luggage protected against any eventuality.

Travel insurance includes Domestic Insurance, International Insurance, Student Insurance, Senior Citizen Insurance, and Family Insurance.

Key features include:

  • Cover for trip cancellation, delays
  • Cover four lost, delayed luggage or passport
  • in patient hospitalization coverage
  • Contingency cover for personal possessions
  • Accident cover against death/permanent disability However, there are certain exclusions to travel insurance too that you should know about. Insurers don't cover you against missed or delayed flights during riots, war conditions, or natural disasters. Also, you won't get any compensation for hospitalization related to pre-existing diseases.